Jody & CJ Andrews

Jody and CJ have a zest for life. Their outlook is one of adventure and their passion for ministry always leads them there.

Married in 1990, they immediately embarked on their big adventure serving on staff at New Harvest Church in Clewiston, Florida under Bishop’s Tony and Kathy Miller. Their assignment at NHC included leading worship and student ministry.

In 2000, Jody and CJ relocated to Ft. Myers, Florida and served on staff at Life Church under both Dr. David Deaton and his son, Pastor Ryan Deaton. They gave oversight to the youth, college & career and help’s ministries. They assisted in the development of Life Training Institute: a two year intern program for young people ages 18-25, functioning as Dean of Students from 2001-2006.

Jody and CJ’s love for people and their huge heart for seeing people’s lives changed led them to Denton, Texas in 2006. They joined Pastor’s Duane & Kris White and a team who converged from around the US and other nations to plant a new church: The Bridge @ Denton.

From 2007-2012, Jody and CJ served as coordinators for Destiny Network International. They both served as pastors at The Cathedral in Oklahoma City (now known as The Gate Church) playing an integral part in pastoral care and serving on the Core Leadership team. They are active members of Destiny Fellowship and value relationships with those who serve around the world.

Jody and CJ moved to Columbus, Mississippi in 2012 to help with a relaunch of Life Church and currently serve there as Lead/Senior Pastors. Their son-n-law & daughter, Morgan & Austyn Dentry, as well as their son, Josiah Andrews and Daughter-n-law Destiny Andrews, currently serve on the ministry team with them.

Jody loves to laugh and enjoys making others laugh even more. He is serious about his passion for the presence of God and the fact that everyone has a purpose! CJ’s love for life and seeing others obtain life is evident as she delivers the Word of God with passion and practical application. It has been Jody and CJ’s lifelong mandate is to connect people to the presence of a living God and lead others to life.

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